App for Apps

I have several apps that I use in my Sunday School Bible Study.

I decided to put them into ONE app (with the links to the others)

Most of them are ‘public’ but one is just for family, so it requires a password.

This got me thinking, this could be a solution for having an app with some public parts and some ‘behind the scenes’ information.

It would require 2 apps
ONE just for the FRONT - APP for PUBLIC information. Introductions. Information. Some links. - This would not need a lot of rows.

This app would also have a link to the
2nd APP - with privacy set to email or password (depending on your situation, this may be a free or pro app)

This sub-app run on top of the front app, so clicking done returns to the beginning.

Just a thought. All my apps are for personal use to share with friends and family.


This is great, good job @spencersRus, really. A good example of things achievable using Glide. :+1:t2:

How has your thinking on this evolved?