Hi! Does anyone know how the formula to auto-populate info from a column in one sheet to a column in another sheet in Google Sheets? Not the entire sheet, just one column - like Sheet 1 column A auto-populates to Sheet 2 column A. Someone gave me a formula =if(Sheet1!A1<>“”,Sheet2!A1,“”) but it doesn’t work. Thanks!
Depending on scenario you can use computed columns as Lookup or Single Value to transfer values from one sheet to another.
Hope it helps.
Thank you, but I should have mentioned that I wanted to do it in Google sheets, not within the Glide platform. I’ll update my question.
I think this should be possible using an Array Formula but it is not my forte.
Thanks… @darder
@ThinhDinh do you know of a formula that can help me do this?
Needs to be more like this:
={"Copied Column";ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN('Sheet1'!A1:A),'Sheet1'!A1:A,""))}
Copy this and paste in Row 1 of whatever column you’d like within the second sheet.
Thank you soooo much!!!