Being able to link to specific rows would be great. For example, sharing a note in Slack. It would also be great to use links in Markdown text
@pspeter3 I use links in Markdown text using the Rich Text component.
Do you link to other screens within the app? If so, how do you generate a URL for a specific screen?
I didn’t figure you were talking about links to screens within the app. I thought you meant normal markdown linking via syntax with [display] and (links). No I don’t link to other pages. I misunderstood your comment.
Yes! Deep linking is planned.
Any idea or indication of where this sits in your priority?
I want to make an app where people scan QR codes and go straight into a page of the app and am waiting for this.
Thank you!
Have just learned what I have been looking for, any headway made on this one ?
Great job dev team!
I’m wanting to link to a specific screen from my main website. Is linking to a specific screen possible now? This was what I found doing my quick search.
Nope, still not possible.
Yup, this would be great.
+1 Would love this feature
Definitely would love this!
Where are you guys at with this feature? It would really come in handy now.
Yup, was just thinking the same thing
Hey David! Do you know if this is actively being worked on? This feature would be great to have
We are about to have a major planning cycle. This is top of mind for me, but it is very complicated unfortunately. We are just now starting to get the key features in place that would enable deep linking (RowID’s was an absolutely essential item that only just rolled out).
Thanks for the update @Jason
It would be very interesting to see whether there will be a bread crumb (back) so you can navigate all the way back to where you started or you will skip where you came from. Might be a configuration choice? If you link to a tab then you might not be able to go back? If you link to a item on a list you might be able to go back?
It will also be intestinal see if this “action” will be exposed in every component. From an app developer perspective it is easier if all the options are available on different component e.g. the title component only has a subset of the possibilities from tile layout so that you will need to create a single tile to get all the options instead of a title component which has the ability to show in full width. And you cannot get both.
Link to screen is another feature which is only available on a few components but could be beneficial on more component including the tile layout fx to be used in inline lists
There will be many design decisions to take
when??? im slowly migrating out of glideapps, as deep links is essential for my users
Adding myself to the list of those who are waiting for this great feature