Admin tab

How to add a admin screen or tab in which only he can edit and delete data of his customers

To create an admin panel in Glide, you can use the ā€œwriteā€ permission in the sheet that your app is using to store data. This allows you to create a separate sheet or tab in the sheet that only you or other designated users can access and edit, while the rest of your appā€™s users can only view the data. You can also use the ā€œifā€ function in Glideā€™s formula language to control what users can see and do in different parts of your app.

Additionally, you could consider using the ā€œUser Rolesā€ feature, where you can set different permission levels for different users or groups of users. You can use this feature to create an ā€œadminā€ role and assign it to specific users, giving them access to certain parts of the app that are hidden from other users.

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  • Add a ā€œroleā€ column in your User Profiles table. This doesnā€™t necessarily have to work with the ā€œRolesā€ setup Hassan mentioned above. This applies if you donā€™t want people downloading customer data that doesnā€™t belong to them, and in that case you would want to use another column as the ā€œRoleā€ (either rowID or companyID).

  • Give the ā€œAdminā€ value to appropriate users.

  • Create an ā€œAdminā€ tab and set the visibility to ā€œSigned-in userā€™s ā€˜roleā€™ = Adminā€.

  • Add an inline list/collection of customers to that tab. Apply appropriate relations/filters where needed.

  • Add an ā€œEditā€ button that opens the edit screen for each customer, set the visibility of it to ā€œSigned-in userā€™s ā€˜roleā€™ = Adminā€.