I have created a reservation system where I show upcoming reservations and I want enable cancelation functionality. I want the user to cancel the reservation by tapping on the reservation so that row gets deleted from the Sheets. But the action is not working. I also tried creating a custom action where it also sends an email. Both ways its not working. Any help?
@Uzo I suppose you are referring to custom action right? Even with simple Action > Delete row as show in the image, its not working. But all other actions are working.
No, it remains unclickable. I was trying the approach in the room reservation Glide template. it is same. Delete row not working. The goal is to create a cancelation option in the app for the reservation. Any other way you suggest?
yes… you discovered new bug… it can’t be done on calendar list, when i switch to inline list it will delete…
so what you can do for now in calendar list, is to have action to show details… and in that screen have a button to delete that event… it works… i just test it… and you can add conditions to that button … like confirm… so it make sense that you redirect to new screen