Accessing Related Table Data in Big Tables

Morning Gliders!
I just started using Big Tables for some of my data and I can’t seem to figure out how to show data in the layout from a related table.
Here’s the scenario: I have a table called Months Stats and in that table it relates to another table’s unique ID called Months. The relation works, but when I’m in the interface, I can’t select any of the fields from Months to add to the layout. Am I missing something there?
Grateful for your help,

Is it a single or a multiple relation?

Which type of component are you wanting to use it in?

Hey Darren,

This instance is a single relation.

I’m just trying to use the text as a label in a chart.


Okay. The relation just establishes a link between the two tables. You can use Lookup columns to bring in any values that you need, through the relation.


For some reason, it shows the lookup as an array and then I don’t see that in the interface.

Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 2.26.02 PM

oh, you have a Query there, not a relation.
Query columns are a bit different - to get the value that you need you will need to use a Single Value column.

Thanks, Darren.

I did have a relation column, but the result was the same. :slight_smile:
I’ll try the Single Value column.
Thank you!

I added a Single Value Column, and still no luck…
Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 4.26.09 AM

it doesn’t show up as an available option:

Any ideas?

Interesting. I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be able to use that.
Possibly an undocumented limitation of Big Tables with Charts, but I would’t have thought so.
Looks like I still have access to your team - do you mind if I have a quick look?
You’ll just need to direct me to the correct App and screen to look at.

That would be really helpful.
It’s Gigs 4.2 and the screen is the Dashboard - the chart is the last one on the current page. :slight_smile:
Thanks a ton.

@mondrew Hey Mondrew.

A limitation of big tables is it’s use of the computed columns across other glide features:

to use it’s computed columns for filtering a collection or performing roll ups or even use them in charts. Try using the chart labels from a column that is not computed, it could be a text, url, number etc. column.

Because big tables queries data, it does not allow the use of computed columns across other features. I don’t know why exactly but it could be designed to reduce the load on the server.

Okay, I just had a look, and I still can’t see any reason why that can’t be selected. I’m going to see if I can replicate this, and if it looks like a bug, I’ll report it.

However, wouldn’t it make more sense to make your Gigs 3.1 Months table the source of the chart?
You already have the month names and unique IDs in that table, so you could use those build a relation/query to the Stats table and pull in the data for each month, then use that in your Chart.

In this case, the source column is not a computed column. However, he is trying to use a Big Table computed column as a chart label, which may explain why it doesn’t work.

I think he’s approaching this from the wrong direction, though - see my reply above.

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This is worth a shot!

Thanks for your help, Darren. I don’t actually have the Month names in that table. I could add them, however, I’d like to truly understand how the BigTables work when it comes to relations and queries. Either way, I’d love to know how to do this.

Thanks again! Drew

They were there when I looked.
I’m talking about the Gigs 3.1 Months table - the one that has/had only 12 rows. One for each month of the year, with the first column being the month names.
Why don’t you make this table the source of your chart?
That’s what I’d do. Seems to make much more sense to me.

That table doesn’t have the user’s data. It’s a source table I’m using. The user’s data is in the Months Stat’s table. It still doesn’t explain how I could get those tables joined to show the related field in the chart. (Regardless of my use case.)

Yes, I understand that it doesn’t contain the users data, but that doesn’t change my suggestion. What I am suggesting is using that table as a helper table - it seems to me that this is a classic use case.

Try it - add a query column to that table that matches rows in the Gigs 3.1 Data table using the signed in users email address and This Row->Unique Month ID as filters. That should give you a separate result for each row (month). Then add a rollup through that query to get the Y-Axis values for your chart, and you’re done.

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