Access data that is user specific and view it in a non-user specific column

I have an app where I am tracking time spent by users on various tasks. I have a tasks table with user specific rows that capture data for each user per task. works great.

I also have an accounts tables with a rowId for each account. Each account is made up of a student as well as the parent.

In my student view - I am able to show the task specific data for each user since they are the logged in user. I am using a Roll up column to add up the time for each tasks and I can see this value when I am looking at my sheet with the user that the data corresponds to.

Question: Is there a way to grab that value from the user specific derived rollup column and copy it into a column that is NOT user specific?

I have tried single column but it just displays “0” rather than the user specific value.


User specific column data will always be available only to the user that is signed in. Computed columns only have access to the data that is accessible to the user. If you want it written to a non user specific column, the user needs to somehow execute an action that would do that.

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Understand on not the need to secure user data just to the user.

Here’s my dilemma. I am creating JSON objects when the user completes a task following Bob’s video

the ONLY way I can get my action button to save data using set column is to make these user specific. I built the same functionality without user specific columns but could never get the form entry to save the data.

So I have all the data getting nicely saved all the way to the helper table but the amazing security of Glide means that I am still not able to have the parent see the “user specific” progress their kid is making.

you mentioned “user needs to execute an action to share …” that’s cool - what Glide function would be invoked to make the helper column data viewable by the parent? thanks

How are you building your chain of actions? I guess you can have an action at the end to set the user-specific column value to a basic column?

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its possible to have an action change a column from user specific to basic? that’s cool. My actions are

  • openthe form to capture the values to user specific columns
  • set columns in my user profile table
  • ??? change column to basic???
  • clear columns
  • close overlay
  • notify success.

are you saying i can change column to non-user specifi in that chain?>

No, I mean in the action chain that you’re using here.

Assuming that JSON object is populated after you finish your chain of action, I mean you add a basic column to your table, and set the value of the “JSON object” to that basic column.