Is it possible to save an image shown in an app. Use case is to create a gallery page where users can upload/ download images.
You can use a share action on the image, or the enlarge image action, to get to the share sheet where you can choose to save the image.
This doesn’t actually work. There’s no share image action, and the share button in the app won’t save the image. Instead, it allows you to share the direct URL to the image.
Any ways to get this working?
There’s an enlarge image action. On Android, if I tap an image to enlarge it using that action, then I can long press on the inside to get a menu that lets me download the image.
So it must be an issue with iOS. Any way to save images on iOS?
No idea. There’s a reason I don’t use Apple products what happens when you just create a link or a button that points to the image url?
I have to agree with MMannucci, at least from IOS, there does not appear to be a way to download an image to the mobile phone itself. Can you explain in more detail how to accomplish this successfully? Thank you!
It works fine on my iPhone 11. As Jeff said, use the enlarge action and then when you click the image there is a share button that opens your phone settings to download or share via many apps.
I don’t need to enlarge the image actually on android, just long-press, and then I have 3 options:
Save, View and Share
It is still an issue and should be adressed. Download images in IOS…
Just had this issue myself. The way I got round it was to ‘Open Link’ as the action and map to the image URL. From there you can long press and save on iOS.