Ability to customise the Favorites component

When adding the Favorites component the colour is red by default but it would be much nicer if we had the option of either choosing our own colour, OR basing it on our app’s Accent colour would be a nice touch!

I would also like to see Add to Favorites as an action because we could then use the Floating Button for this which is styled to match our app’s Accent colour.

It’s possible to do a bit of customisation of this with some CSS…


Cheers as always Darren :ok_hand:

Just scanned through that thread and saw your comment about the Reaction component which I’d forgotten existed, so thank you again!


The isFavorite column is just a boolean column, so you sould be able to set up a button with a custom action to set or unset the value as true or false.


Thanks Jeff, I’ll have a go. Would be better if we had the option of a Button on the Title component like there is for the Image component. That would make our app more consistent for our end users.