A Simple Notes Page

Hello Everybody,

My first topic on this category :joy:

I like to share a very simple page that I created called My Notes! With that you can create notes and save them and will not forgot them! Working on the App version too! I started with the Page first because I really love Pages!

Hereā€™s the Page URL : https://mynotes.glide.page

Let me know any bugs or if I have to add a new thing!

And in this moment I like to say ā€œDavid (@david) and Glide Team , Thanks a million for introducing Pages! I love them more than Glide Apps!ā€ These days Iā€™m working on lot of Pages! For a app Iā€™m only working on the Quiz app but lot of time Iā€™m working on Pages! I canā€™t describe that how I love Pages :heart: :heart: And I really love that Glide Team adds cool new features for Pages that some are not on Apps! Again Glide Team thanks for making Pages! I love them a lot!

This is a main page that Iā€™m working on these days! I really like it! :star_struck: Itā€™s called Chatty! Going to be releasing that soon too! Need to work on the messages section only! Hereā€™s a screenshot of it!

Yeah, youā€™ll will notice that ā€œWait what, I know him. These faces are some known faces!ā€ :sweat_smile: Yes. In in this Page I have added some famous people in this forum including some team members too! And hereā€™s a screenshot of the Gliders that I save the images of them!

Cheers for Glide! :clinking_glasses:

Glide Rock! :muscle:

Thank you!

Have a great weekend!


Great work @Dilon_Perera.

Love the on-boarding page, and the simplicity of note section.

Maybe a suggestion,
In the note form, add a NOTE SUBJECT as well, and in the card layout, display NOTE SUBJECT as title, and A FEW LINES OF NOTE DESCRIPTION, and date at the bottom.

And also add a search bar incase users want to search their notes by a keyword maybe.

Other than that, it looks great!

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Canā€™t wait to see your new project! Great work :slightly_smiling_face:

Congrats @dilon_perera, nice work.

I am having problems when I load some APP and Page using new features on iPhones with OS v12.5.5, the APP/Page shows a blank page or crashes if it has a Choice component (now we can use images in it :muscle:) or an InLine list.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s a bug or a problem caused by Apple obsolescence.
May @santiagoperez check this issue and notify me?

Have you tried that page on a different iOS version. I am able to open it no problem.


With any OS higher than v12.5.5 everything works fine, my issues are with ā€œold iPhonesā€ using iOS v12.5.5 or lower.

Of course, I donā€™t hope that iPhone 4s are able to run Glide APPs perfectly :innocent: but Iā€™d like to know what is the lowest iPhone generation or iOS version supported by Glide.


Take a look at this:

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nice work!