A new method for Choice Component multi select?

I know you’ve seen this, but I share it anyway. Basically I set a unique ID before showing the list, and then set the unique I’d or clear it when a user taps on each list item.

I guess I would call this trebuchet-ish in that you can take those selections, build a joined list and then save or re-save it over the top of the another basic column that stores those selections. @Roldy did the work of saving and recalling selections, so you could reopen a list of selections and modify them. I really haven’t taken the time to study how it compares to trebuchet, but I think trebuchet may have an advantage of being able to remove an item from a joined list through actions without having to view and manually modify selections??? Not quite sure, but I think there are a lot of similarities. I just haven’t looked into it that closely.

I do currently use my method to multi-select multiple students from a list and build a joined list of emails that I can then use to send a mass email.