Choice component MULTI-SELECT: now a dream, soon a reality?

Hi @Mark, I know this has been a frequent request, and you’ve got already much on the pile.
=> Nevertheless, are you able to communicate a timeframe for this one?
(there are some apps where it is absolutely key to have it simple vs tricky workarounds).


Sorry, I can’t give you a timeline.

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Hi @AyS_0908

But meanwhile you can do it manually. Do you want to try or not?


Is it a different workaround than the one presented in Glide Concepts? (which did not leverage ‘filters’ if I remember well)

See my demo APP where I use a kind of multi selection in my own shopping cart. It’s in spanish but I think you can understand the flow and some common words to carry out a purchase



I have seen your application and your selection method is working fine.
But what is your method for this selection?
Je crée une application d’événement et j’ai besoin d’une sélection d’intervenants pour chaque événements.

Thanks @gvalero, so, if I understand well, you used a ‘check inline list’ instead of a choice component to have the equivalent of a multiselect.
But, in terms of UX, cannot be used in all use cases.
I will see if I can integrate it.
Thank you

Maybe how it looks isn’t the best option but it makes the job perfectly.

@Manu.n, did you understand the method used now?

Feliz día @AyS_0908

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Thank you @gvalero
Yes I have since taken 5 minutes to analyze your application.
But I cannot use the same principle.

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Hi @gvalero,
Do you have a method to select / deselect all items with just one click?

No @Roldy unfortunately.

We are still looking for a way to delete/clear user specific-columns at the same time.

The new action (Clear Column) is able to work with relation but it must be single. If this could handle a multiple relation the solution would be done!



Thanks @gvalero, as I guessed.
Whenever I have to perform an update function on multiple records in Glide, I always have to hit my head against a wall. I don’t think there is another method other than create a script in Google Sheet.
It’s frustrating.

It will depend on the case @Roldy.

If you are using user specific columns on you APP, a GS script won’t be able to read them nor write them.

This is the reason why Glide must give us a way to clear/write several USC at the same time otherwise, the process and any APP gets complicated unnecessarily.

Feliz día


I totally agree.

Yes, many thanks!

@Roldy I have some ideas here if you are still looking for something.


Very interesting @Jeff_Hager . I will experience it soon.

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@Jeff_Hager I have experienced with your examples and I understand your technique well. Then I asked myself: why not also offer the possibility to save and load a selection preset? :thinking: Basically it was just what I needed in most of my scenarios. Thanks for inspiring me! :smiley:

Please Try my version and let me know.


Sharing a basic example of how to clear columns with one button press. This uses relations, which is manageable so long as you have a relatively small number of rows to reset.

link to glide app


@Roldy that is awesome! I’ll have to take some time to study it, but it looks like it works very well. I had considered adding the ability to save and reload saved presets, but never took the time to look into it. Well done!

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