A new home for Glide Feature Requests

Two bugs I picked up on:

  1. Not really a bug, but it seems the sort by Date is off. I see that new entries are appearing in the middle of the list. Is this Date approved or Date submitted? If Date submitted, I noticed that Time Zones throw things off as well.
  2. It Desktop mode, If I click on a list item, then navigate to my favorites, I get the white screen of death. Sometimes this happens in reverse. If I click on Favorites, then click on a list item, and then go back to all, I either get the white screen OR the list remains on my favorites. I have to either refresh (command R), quit the app OR sometimes resize to mobile and then back again.


@JackVaughan Can you fix the sort by date filter. Newly approved entries are showing up in the middle of the list.

I’ll look at it.

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Would it be possible to add the submitted or accepted date to the list as well? Just something visual to see which ones are new so I can easily determine if the request is newer or not.



Thank you sir!

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What happened to the desktop view? Now it’s mobile view only? Missing the desktop view already!

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We switched it back for debugging purposes. We’ll switch it back on soon.


hey! how are you getting this desktop mode?

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It’s available in staging right now…Glide plans to release this feature very soon.


Thank you Robert! this is amazing! This was the only thing stopping me from moving fwd with Glide - so excited to hear this will be released soon!


Glad to help. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for ya.

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I want to use the feature request app for my company - can you make it cloneable or release this as a template ?

@Goelv sure - be happy to. Unfortunately we can’t make it cloneable as it has everyone’s data in. However, I’ve put it on my list to make a clean version of this and put in our template gallery/store.


Thanks Jack! Can’t wait to use it.

Any idea when you think this can be done by ?

I will try and get to this next week, but can’t make any promises! :wink:

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You can promise, Jack :wink:

Looks better and more streamlined for sure.

Hi @JackVaughan!

Just wanted to inquire if this app should still the primary way we submit feature requests. It appears as though a few of the requests have been shipped (Bold theme, Zapier increase, Edit with condition, etc.