429: resource_exhausted

Apologies in advance for asking an Integromat related question but this is the best community :sunglasses:

Has anyone seen this error before in Integromat? @Mark_Turrell @V88

429: RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota).

From my research it appears I hit a Google Sheets API limit. Does anyone know how to “check quota” and would it help if I upgraded my Google plan? Would a better Google plan give me a larger “quota”? (Currently on starter plan)

I haven’t seen that. I might be paying more money for things to make sure the system always works (such as 800K transactions a month on Integromat kind of thing).

A quick search and it does look like it’s a Google api quota you are hitting. If you are using your own api key (and not accidentally using someone else’s) them it’s best to go to Google Console and poke about to find out what limit you’ve hit… and what you pay to keep things working.

Good luck!


I think from memory this message relates to a rate limit rather than an absolute limit i.e. too many API calls per sec / min. Can you reduce your rate in any way?

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May we know what module/node returned this error?

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Hmmm rate limit… interesting I could possibly introduce a few more timers to pause and break things up.

@ThinhDinh it failed on an GSheet update a row module.

It’s quite the beast.

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I could come up with a few different adjectives :stuck_out_tongue:


I saw some replies in the link below, not sure if it helps but just putting it here for you anyway.


@V88 @Mark_Turrell @ThinhDinh
Just a follow up on Google’s API rate limit quota.

Google Workspace Account:
Business Starter 100/100 sec for both read and write
Business Standard 500/100 sec for both read and write
Business Plus 1000/100 sec for both read and write

Thank you all! I hope this helps someone!


Appreciated @Eric_Penn

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Thanks for sharing!

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