4 out of 6 OpenAI integration features missing from options in field creator

Hi, it appears that many of the OpenAI integration options have disappeared from the field creator when I try to create a new field. When I create a new field and search for OpenAI as a field type, only “Complete Chat” and “Text to Speech” are still available. The other features, which still show up as listed options in settings, are not available upon field creation. (Generate Image, Complete Chat with History, Answer Questions about a Table, Text to Speech) are all missing when I try to create a new field. Are these options being deprecated? They are important features so I hope this is just a glitch…

Screenshot showing the limitation upon field creation:

Screenshot showing the full listed available OpenAI integration fields under settings which appear to no longer be available:

I tested in incognito mode, and in Safari and Chrome. Searched recent postings and don’t see any announcements or related topics.

They are still there when you try to create an action/workflow, so I guess Glide decided they don’t support all things here as a column anymore.

The biggest difference is the column might recalculate if there’s a change in the data input. If that happens, it incurs a lot of updates.

Cool to have my first reply from you Thinh-- I’ve read a lot of your posts along the way so thanks!

It’s odd because only three days ago I WAS able to create an OpenAI Text to Speech column in my Users Table, and that column still works to produce new results. Would it be common that Glide would deprecate a feature without announcing it?

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Must be very recently, well sometimes it really do be like that. I found out based on your post really.

Thanks for the kind words!

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