@Mark Have Math columns always been able to do this? I thought Glide tables didn’t recognize true/false as 0/1. If they do, I’m super happy!
Yes as a boolean value
For info, if you use as a filter or If/Then value, use is / is not 1
It works very well
This is gonna be big. I think it was not always the case.
Saves me from creating an i/t/e column for each checkbox too
t’s been working since I joined Glide in early August
If I recall right I try to build something like this 2-3 months ago and it was not recognized so this will save me a lot of columns moving forward.
That makes sense then. Like @ThinhDinh…last time I tried (a few months ago) it didn’t work so I hadn’t reattempted until today.
Hey @Robert_Petitto where did you get these RED and GREEN check marks you have in the pic?
My FAVORITE screenshot tool: Skitch
Never tried with math columns but always used true/false as 1 or 0
Awesome to know it will save me a lot!