April 30, 2020, 2:03pm
iOS: 13.3.1
Device: iPhone 11 pro
Using an image with a tag. Design is 1:1
The image and tag shows up nicely in builder - but the tag cannot be seen on phone.
Is it a layer problem?
The problem is not seen if the design is different from 1:1
This image is from the builder
The image in phone:
Similar to this
iOS: 13.3
Device: iPhone 11 pro
Using an image carousel is missing the number insert (like 2/3)
The first image is shown correctly with 1/3 - but other images (with insert like 2/3 and 3/3) is only presented when the user is scrolling to the next image - then fades away when the next image is reached.
It works nicely on:
iOS: 12.3.1
Device: iPhone 7
May 8, 2020, 3:09pm
@mark Is that something that you will look into? It is actually also quite a problem in Image carousel as the user might have navigated to 3/3 image - but are not given any clue that the image is actually in an image carousel.
I’m using the image carousel to show a wide screen image (where the original image can be landscape format) therefore the square style of the image will not work for me.
iOS: 13.3
Device: iPhone 11 pro
Using an image carousel is missing the number insert (like 2/3)
The first image is shown correctly with 1/3 - but other images (with insert like 2/3 and 3/3) is only presented when the user is scrolling to the next image - then fades away when the next image is reached.
It works nicely on:
iOS: 12.3.1
Device: iPhone 7
May 10, 2020, 4:49am
I am digging into these issues now
May 10, 2020, 5:03am
I was able to reproduce the image carousel issue on latest version of Glide and fix it. Fix should roll out tuesday.
May 12, 2020, 10:22pm
@Jason I can confirm that numbering of images i.e. 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 is working.
But other overlays are still not functionering - Tag and Caption is not working except on the first image in the carousel.
Will you correct the other overlay problems as well. Thx
June 3, 2020, 7:26pm
@jason I have seen the overlays working now.