Written Instructions for Glide

I am new to Glide and while enjoying the videos and finding it difficult to go back to find specific information. Is there a place where any of the


These are videos and I have watched many of them. They go so fast though that I spend too much time stopping and rewinding. I am looking for something with step by step written instructions. ???

Hi, not aware of any other ‘written’ instructions. Just have a go and have fun with it. The more you use it the more familiar and easy it becomes. If you are really stuck on achieving something in particular you may find a solution in one of the glide templates, else post something on this forum and the folks might be able to help or guide you. They are a friendly bunch :slight_smile:


Also check out the deep dive videos. They are 30 to 45 minute videos that build an app from start to finish. Those are a lot slower and more in depth.

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Welcome, @jillrohan! We are working to convert some of our videos to written instructions. I apologize if the videos are hard to follow.

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Yes, that’s all @JackVaughan’s fault. :thinking: just kidding. We love your videos sir.


I love the videos too!


It IS Jack Vaughs fault. I get distracted ogling him.


Thanks David. They are not hard to follow just very fast. So hard to actully see and follow what they are doing without a lot of pausing and rewinding. I’m catching on though. You all are great.

lol @jillrohan:rofl:

Yes! I agree. We’re working to make different types of videos and as David says - more written content with step by step guides. Really appreciate your feedback