Words per sentence

Ya…It’s not super elegant. You’d need to define what a “sentence” is…perhaps a template column first to replace all ending punctuation with a || or something and then split column with || being the delimiter.


Yes, it was a no-code route I was looking for (otherwise, why not just use Python?). That’s very impressive, thank you. I’ll follow it through carefully. Good viideo!

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Thank ou. Very impressive, I hadn’t thought at all of that approach. I replicated it and it all worked beautifully, except that I didn’t understand how you make the initial set up. At 0:49 there’s only one row, and then by 0:50 there are loads of rows and the first row of column 1 is repeated all the way down. How did you do that? And the same with the rowNumber column; it’s a <> column, which seems to mean a code column, but I can’t find anything that generates the row number. In the video you appear to be pressing New Row repeatedly and the next row appears with the row number and the start text just appearing automatically.

Everything else makes sense, except for bringing in the users: is that so that each user can do their own analysis? I hadn’t looked that far ahead.

BTW about sentences: if you split on ‘period followed by space’ you presumably have a problem with sentences that end a paragraph and are immediately followed by return. Of course, you’re right about periods marking abbreviations like ‘Mr’, not to mention the other marks that you also mention. And then there are ellipses marked as three dots ‘…’. Nothing about language is easy!

  • Start with a RowID column
  • Add a Lookup column, that targets the RowID column. This will give you an array of all RowID’s
  • Add a Find Element Index column, that searches for the RowID in the Lookup column.

You should get an auto-incrementing number, beginning at zero.

That’s very ingenious. Thanks Darren! I would never have invented that.

We didn’t invent it either…it was featured as a reply to a recent post of mine:

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yeah, this one is a bit of game changer. It’s been less than a week and I’ve already found several uses for it. All kudos to @11183 - a really simple and elegant solution :+1:

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Okay, does anybody know how to change username here?) I’m becoming famous))

Speaking seriuosly, i was thinking a lot about this problem, even though i personally don’t need it in my apps. That was just kind of an interesting challenge.

It’s incredibly useful when used in combination with the array-transpose method.

Yeah, i actually thought about it. Smth like:

  1. Fetching JSON
  2. Formatting it
  3. Split to array
  4. Transpose

Sounds like dynamically self-filling table)

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That method is truly pure miracle) So as all of your ideas and solutions. Big fan of your tutorial videos, watched them all) Keep going💪🏻


Really :clap::clap::clap:

Hi, How to separate into different rows when using joined list? I want to join different comments from users, and show them in the report screen.
Turn this " abc, def, ghi" to
@ThinhDinh @Darren_Murphy @Robert_Petitto

Just change the separator when you create your joined list. Instead of using a comma, use a CRLF (carriage return line feed).

I try this but It did not work. What’s separator I need to type in? Thanks
break new line

No, just use the enter key.
So it will look something like this:

1 Like

Thank you. I did it, such a simple solution :))

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