Split multiple choices

a very simple question: how can I split multiple choices into seperate values (so I can count the number of choices) as seen in post https://community.glideapps.com/t/multiple-choice-component-values-should-be-separated-by-comma-followed-by-a-space-bar/59713 (see column “split Blockdays”). With that example, I think adding a rollup (with count) should give me “3” in the first row and “2” in the second.

It has something to do with an array column, but I tried the different array-types when adding a column without result.

Use a Split Text column to create an array, and then you can either rollup the array, or use the Array Length plugin.

I was looking for this type, but I cannot find it. Not in the array-options, not in the text-options (I’m working with Glide Classic !)

They are there, try using the search…

CleanShot 2023-06-15 at 20.05.13@2x

sorry, I meant the Split Text Column type that I cannot find

Same thing, just search for “split” and you’ll find it.

OK, now I have it. Thanks !

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