Why the component is not open the link

Below is the image showing the container having title component added image of social media.
have given respective link to open the social media page but it is not clickable and not open the link.

Actions on a title component don’t make the image a hyperlink. Doublecheck the action has all fields filled in correctly, and you’ll see a button appear.


I want that image to be clicked to open the link given.what to do for that.

if i clicke the instagram text button like it open the link but i want people to clicck the instagram icon to open the link.

Hi @Manikandan_R,

I like using lists to do this. You can add icon images and create open link actions for each.

Used that here as an example for him. Just to be clear, this is Pages so the “list” is “collection”.

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Thanks, @ThinhDinh! Hope that helps, @Manikandan_R :ok_hand:

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