I am experiencing issues with the Image Picker on my phone. While it successfully downloads images with a random ID and HEIC extension, the app does not display the latest image but instead shows the last one from temporary memory. When I edit the item, the image appears correctly. However, if I modify and close the image component, it still does not get added to the table of images
Table is here but No Images in DATA
Component Card not see image
Detail Image is there
Edit image is there
Return finally image goes on Component
Table is always emply?
Where is my Image
Is this happening on computer?
No, This is Android device with Wifi connection locally.
Same problems with Android Xiomi or Samsung (in Wifi, and optical line),
Image load from Photo shot, or image from a folder
Component Collection (Card) General view items are not Updating the good image but take an older Image from the previous item,
I need to Go at Detail page (I see now the image -->.HEIC from cloudinary)
I need Edit item ( I see the image)
Go Back to return over main page with Collections items
Component Card Mode is now with the good image! after return
But Image is NOT in my table, it’s at https://res.cloudinary !!!
The image are there but It’s not in my Table (here https://res.cloudinary.com/)