Webhooks and Glide API errors

Team ID: cAY5V1NaTVgdPTluVe4t

App ID: QiRDcAl2HHUD32SWE0ba

Problem 1: I have an action that is triggering a webhook in Make. In this webhook, I am only sending basic columns. All come through but the date column (although date is filled out)

Problem 2: I am sending the task ID (row id) to the webhook and then using the Make Get Row module to fetch additional info (I was hoping I would at least get the date this way). I keep getting a runtime error even with sleep modules. However, when I just run this separately with the row id, it works fine.

How to replicate

  • Problem 1: Create an action that sends data to a Make webhook (including a date column)
  • Problem 2: Create an action that sends a row id to a Make webhook and then add a Get Row module to fetch the record using this row id

This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.