I’d love to create an opening background like the homepage here
which is rather marvellous in both desktop and mobile
I’ve created something similar but as a GIF - which is ok but pretty low res. Any way of doing this with video in glide?
(I know this has been asked before but seems to be mostly ‘old’ glide and time marches on
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Not directly related, but I was trying to open the page and it kept telling me the site doesn’t support HTTPS so I can’t open it. What browser did you use to open it? I tried Arc, Chrome and Safari but didn’t succeed.
The bsac site above? How odd. I’m on chrome and it works fine. It’s not my site - just one I rather like in design
Yah it shows up like this to me, maybe due to my region as well? Idk.
oh yes, down for me this morning too. guess they have a server error
I can’t post a video as this chat is file size restricted
But my app is here
The layout on the home page is what I want, it just looks kinda crappy with a gif. Glide seems to load it all before playing so essential the file size is small. The BSAC site has done it with video which loads dynamically I think
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