Video and web links view

Hello dear Friends.

I am working in an App but in this moment I try to work so that the App gives me the chance to watch a video or a web post, but I did not found the correct way to get this.

Can you help me with a recommendation?

Thanks for your support.


For videos, you can use the video component and link your video there.

For “web post”, you can use a link component so the user can view it in a new tab, or use a webview component, if your web supports webview.

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Dear @ThinhDinh, is there a way to do this automatically?

What do you mean by automatic? If you point the components to a column that that contains the url, then it will dynamically change based on the row you are currently viewing.


Hello @Jeff_Hager, I am totally agree, but if I have a client that want to have only a Sheet, What can I do?

Thanks for the answer.

I guess I still don’t understand what you mean.

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I thank you for your answer. I resolved with a video component and a link component too.


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