Variation on Attendance Tracker Data Design

Hello - I’m working to assist a non-profit which helps students in our inner-city of Columbus to get access to trades before they graduate. This allows them to be ready to start a formal apprenticeship in Carpentry, Plumbing or Electrical work.

We have multiple students that need to attend a class and we have to keep attendance for the future programs acceptance. Our instructors and mentors are outside the school helping to get the students ready so a Glide app would be fantastic.

I have been working thru changes to the classic “Attendance Tracker” Attendance Tracker.

Our wrinkle is we have multiple classes on a given day. The template above assumes only one class/day.

My question is having a data design with A) Master / Detail records or B) students are in one of two arrays inside the class records.

A). Master record is the “classes” tab with Date/Time, Description, Instructor
Detail records for each student marked “Present” or “Absent” for the class.

B) One class record with two arrays Present or Absent with students in one or the other.

Other ideas to solve this or examples I can learn from in the templates?
Thanks All - I love the looks you can achieve with Glide.

Welcome on board the community ! We hope you’ll have a good time here :slight_smile:

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I built this one in effort to tackle this issue. It’s a bit complex, but works:

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