
how to create variables to be global within a project but isolated across different projects without creating independent variables names for each project?

Kind regards

Theoretically you can create a column in the user profiles table and reference that pretty much across your project. Can you let me know what’s your use case?

Thank you for your reply.
I’ve got a document that is filled up by the project’s supervisor every morning with details specific for that Project, details that should be visible just for the ones in that project, they will have to sign it afterwards. I need to multiply this process across multiple projects. In the users table i have a column with the project name for each user.

How can I take these variables for each Project more efficient. The way I know is to make a Query with a Site/Project filter for each site/project and retrieve from that query what i need, but like that I will have so many columns.

I’ve got a database with the same columns that are user specific and the one in the picture is the one where I gather all the data.

Kind regards

So in your users table, you’re having a Project Name column that indicates which project that user is working on.

Then, you seem to have another Projects table in tandem, which contains info for each project.

Can you clarify what you mean by “a document that is filled up by the project’s supervisor every morning with details specific for that Project”? Is it a new project in the Projects table?

Why do you need to do a query though? Wouldn’t you want to display a project to the related user through the project’s details view?