Using one-dimensional tables

So you want to store each answer for each individual Task/Step(question) for each user as a separate row, correct? I assume you already have a sheet that lists each task and question? I’m thinking you could create a list of Tasks/Steps and then have a user click through to view the details of each step. From there you could have a form button for the user to enter their answer as well as automatically pull in their user email, date/time, Task and Step and write it to a separate sheet. As they click through each question, they would submit a form for each answer and it would write as individual rows. You could simplify it a little bit by adding user specific “answer” column on the master Tasks/Steps sheet, then we viewing the details for each step, you would simply provide an “answer” text entry component and a button. The button would have an Add Row action that would write the answer, user, date, task, and step to a separate sheet.