Using Make Array column as Address source for Map Component

Glide’s AI support bot suggests specifically that you can use a Make Array column with pairs of GPS coordinates as the Address source for a map component and display multiple locations on a single map based on one row’s data.
I am trying to show a check in location and a check out location on same map.

When I try to implement, the make array column is unavailable as the maps address source.
Appreciate any ideas?
Here is my make array column:

CleanShot 2024-08-10 at 10.37.35

I’ve never known that to be true.

A map component can show multiple pins based on multiple rows. Your check in and check out locations need to be on separate rows.

Thanks Jeff
Perhaps the AI bot is looking into the future??? :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I don’t think so. AI isn’t fault-less. :wink:

You could transpose it with a helper table and make the helper table the source of the map component