Users "my account" page

Jeg er nybegynder i Glide og har siddet og leget med at bygge en app.
Jeg har på forsiden en knap der fører til brugerens egen side.
Jeg vil gerne have at brugeren kan tilgå “sin side” via menuen øverst til venstre samt via ikon i navigationen i bunden. Men jeg kan simpelthen ikke finde ud af at få det lavet.

I am new to Glide and have been playing around with building an app.
I have a button on the front page that leads to the user’s own page.
I would like the user to be able to access “his page” via the menu at the top left and via the icon in the navigation at the bottom. But I just can’t figure out how to get it done.


Create a new tab to be the source of the page, and then drag that tab down below the “Menu” indicator in the left hand navigation panel.

CleanShot 2024-03-02 at 19.15.41@2x

so I have to have two tabs with “user profile” showing the same thing?
Here “my account” and “user profile”.

User Profile is a special one, and you can’t move that. Users can always access it via the side menu on mobile. If you want a separate one in the side menu, then you need to create it yourself and drag it down below that “MENU” indicator.

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