User Profile based SQL table not available?

I’ve got my users table from a SQL db, but when I click the dropdown to select the source sheet for the ‘user profile’ page it doesn’t show up. I was wondering if this is a limitation of the new SQL feature. Does anyone here know if that’s the case? If so, is there a workaround that I’m not aware of?

Yes, that is a limitation.

A workaround would be to use the Glide API to sync your SQL users table with a native user table in Glide.

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Thanks for your quick response Darren!
I thought about that possibility… In my case I’d use python to delete all the rows and create new ones every time, but I noticed that the rowID is required for deleting… I couldn’t find any info in the documentation on how to delete multiple rows, so I’m trying figure out how I can go about doing that.

I don’t think I would advise deleting/replacing rows in the User Profile table. At the very least, that would probably mess up any user specific column values.

A better approach I think would be something like the following:

  • Get All Rows via the API
  • Iterate through your SQL users table, comparing to the response from Glide
  • Prepare a batch of mutations to add/edit/delete where necessary.
  • Send that back to Glide via the API

The API allows for up to 500 mutations in a single call, so you could make updates in batches of 500.

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Ok. I see what you mean.
Cool. I’ll definitely try that approach.
Thanks again Darren!