User ID being written to a User Specific Column

And then I need to group those users, but it won’t show them - private or something? (I’m using unique ID in case they want to change their email address)

Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 4.30.31 PM

User Specific column values are unique to each user, meaning that each user sees their own value for any given row, which is not visible to any other user.

Just guessing by the name of your column (“Interested”), probably what you want instead is a plain text column (not user specific) with a comma separated list of UserIDs.

Yes that sounds like the answer! My next question is how to get user IDs written into a column with commas? thank you

I’m going to recycle a previous answer here :slight_smile:

Thanks for the thoughts but i’m not sure either of those options fix the problem. The user is not presented with a choice, so a select or multi select doesn’t fit, and the trebuchet concept only allows for one data point, whereas this problem requires the tracking of a few.

I’m aiming for a user to click a button and then be logged as an interested person of someone else’s listing (including when). this information will then be used to create a match when the owner of that listing then shows an interest in one of prior users listings. I hope this is making sense…

Okay, I think Trebuchet should work fine for that. The desired end result is a comma separated list of UserIDs in a single column, yes? That’s exactly what Trebuchet will give you.

This is where you would apply Trebuchet. When the user clicks the button, their UserID is added to the list of UserIDs.

Once you have the list, the next step would be to coerce that into an array with a Split Text column, and then you can use that array to create a multiple relation to your Users table (or wherever).

Thanks for the reply. Correct me if i’m wrong, but trebuchet wouldn’t log when the user clicked ‘interested’?

No, it wouldn’t.

If you also need that, then I can think of two options:

The first option would be to create a separate table with columns for UserID, ListingID, and DateTime, and add one row per user per listing. Simple, but can eat up your row count.

The second option would be to add a column to your Listings table that holds a JSON structure containing a collection of all interested parties. It would look something like this:

    "DateTime": "[datetime]",
     "UserID": "User1ID"
    "DateTime": "[datetime]",
    "UserID": "User2ID"

You’d then need to use JavaScript to manipulate the JSON. This solution is a lot more complex, but doesn’t add anything to your row count.

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Starts to wander in to ‘code’ territory :slight_smile:

Thanks for your thoughts on this problem.