Updates - which actions count as one?

Hey people :wave:

Do cell updates count as edits / row updates?

I’ve got a tab where you can click through a story and each paragraph is a new page (similar to an Instagram story). In my Glide table, I have a counter cell. Each click increases / decreases the value in this cell (this is used to select the specific text).

Would this increase/decrease then count as an update?

Thanks a lot!

Basically anything that changes a value will count as an update.

Learn more below:


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Hey! Thanks a lot @Darren_Murphy° I’ve already read through that, but was still not sure… :sweat_smile:

I’ve got a followup question:
What’s about the swiping cards feature. As I know, the swipe feature requires a timestamp that is changed by each swipe. Is this also counted as an update then?

Thank you

I believe that for the moment it does, but that might change…

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Alright. I definitely hope that this will change since I feel you may use swiping the same way like scrolling which should not at all count as an update :slight_smile:

Thanks for you help Darren_Murphy :slight_smile:

Best, Ninjaa

Hi, i read the article too. But i still not sure. What if the cell that i edit have relation and lookup with two columns. so how many updates will be counted?

Computed columns do not consume any updates.

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