Update all the same request

I have a case where If request 1 is Completed, the request inside the same case column will also change to Completed.
Any suggestions for implementing this case? Thank you.

No Same Case Status Final Status
1 2, 4, 5 Completed Completed
2 New Completed
3 New New
4 New Completed
5 New Completed
6 New New
  • Create an array from your Same Case column using a Split Text column
  • Create a relation column that matches the “No” column with the Split Text column
  • Use a Lookup column to fetch the Status from the related Case via the relation
  • Use an if-then-else column to determine the Final Status
    – If sameStatus is not empty, then sameStatus
    – Else Status


Hello @Darren_Murphy , can I take a look at the details of the relSame column? Because the result that I got is quite different from yours. Is your relation column checked the match multiple?

Here is a screen shot, but it’s showing the wrong thing in the “Matches the value in:” box because of a Glide bug, so ignore that - it should be splitSame. And no, it should not be a multiple relation.

Okay, I think I already got the expected result. Thank you so much for the help @Darren_Murphy !

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