How to make an action edit the item of a column

Hello Everyone

I’m working on an app for gym workouts. During the workout, the user can mark the exercise they performed as completed and then finish their workout. Here’s a screenshot, it’s in Portuguese, but here are the main points.
“Checks” are the exercises, in this case already marked
Finalizar treino = Finish training

I have already managed to do this part, I even created a “done” column in the exercises table and in the training table. The training table is related to the exercise table and the exercise table is related to the training.

With that, what I need is that when the user clicks on “Finish Training”, the “done” column changes to “false”. Because the way it is, when he finishes and comes back, for example, the next day, the exercise is already marked as done.

  • I tried to create a workflow, but since the exercise relationship is Multiple Match, I can’t use the “Set columns values”
  • I also tried to use the If-Then-Else concept, but I had similar problems.

Can anyone give me an idea of how to do this?

You might be able to use the below:


In my case I can’t use this concept. I’m using “checklist” and I need it to be the “checklist”, because when the user clicks on the item I go to the exercise details. In the cases you sent no one uses checklist and when the user click on the item the status changes.

So I need that when I click on “Finish training” the “checklist column” is cleared, and as I mentioned in the post, using workflow to set the value in the column the exercise relationship does not appear.

Okay, in that case your only options are to either use server side workflows or the API. Depending on your plan, you may or may not have access to either of those. Which plan do you have?

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