I have a task tamplate table that I want to automatically fill out other rows date field by defined formula. when an user input date in field in first row.
Input data is “Start Date” column drawn by red box in photo above
Thank you for help
I have a task tamplate table that I want to automatically fill out other rows date field by defined formula. when an user input date in field in first row.
You didn’t say what the formula is, but I’ll take a guess that you want to add the Duration Days value?
If that’s the case, do it as follows:
Start + Duration
Formula is:
End Date column=Start date+Duration days
End Date+1 column=End date+1
My start date in first row will be user define and then
start date column value in 2nd~6th rows will be End Date+1 according to 1st row
that means strat date in each row will be:
2nd row start date>>> 1st row End Date+1
3rd row start date>>> 2nd row End Date+1
4th row start date>>>3rd row End Date+1
5th row start date>>>4th row End Date+1
6th row start date>>>5th row End Date+1
Will it always be 1 day for each task, and would you always create the order column? Do you do that manually?
it is near to correct.In your table rows 4 and 5 incorrect because these tasks are the same(please consider column “Dependencies” in my table)
Have you ever tried using a calendar component instead of inputting the day (duration) to generate the date? In other words, you can very easily drag the start date and end date, then you just have to see the difference in days which is the result of the formula calculation. This is much simpler.
Actually , this table will be used to prepare a Gantt chart, and our input will be a date and the rest of the dates will correspond to the default duration
I want to enter a date manually then tasks start and end date be calculated correspond to the default duration
I think calendar component isn’t my solution.
I have a Task Template table that there are 20 project and each project has on average 20 tasks
It’s okay, I’m just sharing my experience. I also have a Gantt Chart table. I suspect you’ll move it to G Sheets.
I myself have switched to using the calendar component because:
I mean, the use of the calendar is only as a tool for filling in dates, not for display, and it would be very powerful if combined with a data grid component. There are probably many more benefits that I haven’t mentioned.
Thank you for your attention and guidance
Your experiences were very helpful for me and I will definitely use them.
I had created this table by Airtable automation and it was working correctly but I was in Glide Free Plan.I have to upgrade to Maker Plan in Glide so Maker Plan doesn’t support Airtable
Sorry if about Airtable I have never used it. After I check now the Team Plan minimum supports Airtable. I can’t comment on this.
Thanks but I have to use Maker Plan because of user number(unlimited user number)
Hi Darren,
could you explain about this table,I think it’s near the solution.