Unique value even if the input is changed

Hello everyone! I am a teacher and I have developed a very basic application to be able to use it in class with my students. Its operation is simple: You enter some values (input), the application itself does some mathematical operations and returns the results (output), which is what interests us.

The problem I have is that when a student enters data, the app returns the results correctly, obviously, but when another student enters new data, the previous student’s data is modified (changed).

I have been testing with 2 emails and specific user columns and it seems to work correctly, but of course, I cannot be limited to the 10 students/users that the free plan allows. (in class there are many more), so I need the app to be public. Is there any chance of getting what I’m talking about?

Thank you

User-specific columns are not completely tied to whether your app is public or not.

The only difference when they are public is that when the user closes the app and goes in the next time, the values in user-specific columns will be reset.

If you use user-specific column already, this should not happen.

Thank you very much for the quick response but I can’t get it to work. The values ​​keep changing if I don’t log in to the app :frowning:

Are you sure that you are using user specific columns to store your input data? Do you have screenshots of your table?

yessss! It’s works
thank you very much you are very great :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: