The AI Component in Glide is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to developing functionality previously unimaginable.
In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to use the AI Component to create a choice component that not only writes the selected value to a column of your choosing (like a typical choice component would do), but additionally trigger actions when any of those choice items are selected!
Watch the tutorial and leave a comment with additional ideas or details for leveraging such a feature!
One that i can think of at the moment is a slider/carousel that has an action linked whereby if i click on the image, it goes to a particular screen that is linked to that particular image. I hope i am making sense with this.
This use case is well suited to reading and writing using a single table. the use case I need is to utilize the the ability of the choice component to read values from table A and write to table B.
The Gen AI component doesn’t let me populate the values of the choice list from the table I’m using in the out-of-the-box choice component.
If you pay close attention to @Robert_Petitto’s video, he is in fact reading the list of option from table A and writing the result to table B. He does it by utilizing the joined list in the user table as a middle man because the user profile is accessible everywhere. If you don’t want to use the user profile (user table), you could also place a joined list in the table that is the source of the screen that contains the custom AI component.