🤖 [TUTORIAL] Build Beastly Choice Components with Glide's AI Component

:wave: Hey Fellow Gliders!

The AI Component in Glide is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to developing functionality previously unimaginable.

In this tutorial, I demonstrate how to use the AI Component to create a choice component that not only writes the selected value to a column of your choosing (like a typical choice component would do), but additionally trigger actions when any of those choice items are selected!

Watch the tutorial and leave a comment with additional ideas or details for leveraging such a feature!

:popcorn: Enjoy!


I like Robert’s comment on building a choice writing to two columns: “it would take you at least an hour in dev time” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe for you - for me I would spend 1/2 a day and then just give up and use a collection.

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Thanks Bob, Gold as always…Bookmarked for sure :star_struck:

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:laughing: Too funny.

My pleasure! I hope to make a whole series of quick AI Component tutorials. Let me know what you’d like to see!

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One that i can think of at the moment is a slider/carousel that has an action linked whereby if i click on the image, it goes to a particular screen that is linked to that particular image. I hope i am making sense with this.

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You bet! I’ve sorta done this. I’ll add it!


Thanks Bob :grinning:

This use case is well suited to reading and writing using a single table. the use case I need is to utilize the the ability of the choice component to read values from table A and write to table B.

The Gen AI component doesn’t let me populate the values of the choice list from the table I’m using in the out-of-the-box choice component.

Any ideas for how to work around this?

If you pay close attention to @Robert_Petitto’s video, he is in fact reading the list of option from table A and writing the result to table B. He does it by utilizing the joined list in the user table as a middle man because the user profile is accessible everywhere. If you don’t want to use the user profile (user table), you could also place a joined list in the table that is the source of the screen that contains the custom AI component.


If you pay close attention to

thanks for pointing out the fact that I missed Robert’s A>B thang. I will play the vid on .5 speed and sit up straight.
