Having a problem with "Write To"

Hello there!

I have a Choice Component. I want this to “Write To” a specific Glide table other than the default table that is created as a part of the template. I have new Glide tables created but the columns of this table do not appear in the dropdown of the “Write To” option of this component. I am absolutely mortified because I know this has a simple solution but am unable to find out.

Components connect to the column in the row of the table that the screen is connected to. If the screen itself is connected to a table that you don’t intend to use, then you need to back up a few steps and reconfigure your app flow to use the correct tables. This may require rebuilding screens and action flows.


Thank you @Jeff_Hager.

This is a simple app for now. Navigating from the landing page to a new page.
What is the process of reconfiguring the app flow to use the correct tables? I did not find any options to change the action flow. Can you throw some light?

Thanks in Advance.

Can you show us how you’re setting it up, and what table should the component write to? It should just be a matter of changing the source table of the screen you’re configuring.

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So this is the landing page

This page draws from the Source table - “Landing Page”.
When the card “Taxability of Income” is clicked, it takes you to the “Taxability of Income” screen. Which is shown below,

In this scree, if you look at the right, at the “Write To” drop down, only columns of the “Landing Page” Table are visible. This is highlighted below,

How do I include other tables here. There is another table called “Taxability of Income” (shown below) which I want to fill with the data captured from this screen. It is also meaningless to capture all the write data into the Landing Page Table. I would want a different table for capturing data of each screen.

Also, I would want to be able to show various radio buttons below the chips (Resident and Non Resident) which will show conditionally (depending on the chip chosen). The Visibility option too, only displays columns in the “Landing Page” Table.

Thank you in advance for the help.


You can’t just point a choice component at another table. What if you had 1000 rows in that taxibility table, which row would your choice be writing to out of that 1000?

When you click on taxibility from the landing screen, you are viewing the details of that row in the landing page table. The choice component is connected to that landing page row in the landing page table. There is nothing on that detail screen that has any connection to any specific row in the taxibility table.

You need to change your flow to navigate to the taxibility table when you click on taxibility in the collection on the landing page. There’s kind of a lot of ways to approach it, but I think we would need a better understanding of how your app will ultimately work. How many items can you have on that landing page? Can they change in the future or will they be pretty static? Would a form be a better option since it appears that you are gathering data that may be specific to each user, or are you attempting some kind of custom form? What are you doing with this data after it’s filled in?

Initial thoughts would be that you need a custom action on your landing page collection to take you to different screens connected to the correct tables based on the collection item that was chosen. Or you could simply use individual buttons I stead of a collection. Or maybe some other methods might be better. Hate to get into specifics if it doesn’t properly apply to your situation.


Thank you for this detail @Jeff_Hager.

You are right. My earlier response was incomplete because I did not explain what I’m trying to achieve.

So, my app goes like this.

The landing page has several cards. Each corresponds to a question about a particular clause of a particular law. For example, if a person wants to know whether her income is taxable in the country, she would first be shown two options - Whether she is a resident of the country or not. Once a choice is made, a new set of radio buttons would appear - This is the second level of radio buttons. For every choice made in the second level, a third level of radio buttons would appear (dynamically, linked to the option chosen in the previous level) and on the basis of this factual matrix, a message would be displayed.

Am I using the right template for this? If not, which one is the best? And what is the best way of structuring the action flow of this use-case.

Thanks in Advance!

So, I think the most important question that remains unanswered here is are you trying to collect a form response from that screen? If it’s a yes, then you should use a form container that points to the “Taxability of Income” table.


Thank you @ThinhDinh and @Jeff_Hager
This has solved my problem.

The Form Component allows me to write to other tables and read from other tables. It also allows other tables in the Options Tab.


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