Transfer application to new account

This is slightly complex but looking for any advice. I developed an application for an organization under a Legacy Pro account as a team member of that account. The original program manager for the organization has been removed involuntarily from his position. I don’t want to lose the year+ work I’ve put into the application. My going in idea is to have the new program manager open a new Team account and invite me to that team. From there, would I be able to transfer the application or at least duplicate it into the new account? Any ideas on how I can transfer the application from one account to the new Team account?

EDIT: I think the issue here is that I’m not the account owner, just an invited team member. Otherwise I would be able to just transfer the application…

Did the original program manager used an email that belongs to the organization, or did they use a personal email?

Yes, used an org email. He’s not terminated completely, just removed from his program manager position.

Can the old PM or an IT person for the Org just sign in and make you an admin?

No, don’t believe so. I think I’m going to have to sweet talk the old PM into making me an admin.

If you get that to work, I might suggest transferring it to an account controlled by the organization rather than an individual employee.

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