Tracking inbound affiliate referrals

I’m trying to reward every referrer that refers to my app based on an action that a user takes (e.g. purchases a product).

The only simple way to achieve this at the moment is to create specific coupon codes that the referrer will share with its users. Every time that a user purchases with that coupon code, I will recognize a fee to the referrer.

However, this approach poses a few challenges. What if the user lands to my app through the referrer but completes a purchase without the coupon code? I don’t want to be forced the use of coupon codes, as this might create checkout frictions.

Have you guys created a workflow that resonates with my use case?

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I’m very interested in this use case as well.

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me as well

Has anyone figured out a workaround on this?

I haven’t. I use referral codes. I think most affiliate links use cookies to track. So unless we can create cookies, not sure how else to automatically apply a coupon code to a stranger.

Imo if you want a discount, entering a coupon code isnt a ton of friction for the buyer. Tons of established websites use coupon codes to track marketing campaigns.

I was trying to use the UTM parameters of my links (QR code scans to be more specific), but I think it’s not possible to access this info and link it to a payment.

How do you implement coupon codes in Glide?

There might be a better way, but basically create a coupon code like “15OFF”, have a Coupon Column and provide a Text Entry Field where they can enter the code, which then writes to the Coupon Column. Then you can possibly do an IFT, where its if Coupon Column = 15OFF, THEN do Math (Price * 1-15%) or something like that?

I dont have an ecommerce coupon, mines simply a payout per referrals in a given month.