Track parameters after registration

Hi guys!

I’d like to ask if there’s any way to track parameters inside a link after the signup process.

This because I have created a link of referral that contains “?id=912321” but I would like to track who is using the code. I have tried to do this but when a user logs in this parameter is lost.

If it’s impossibile, there are some workarounds that can I use?

Thank you :pray:

Here’s my best guess:

  • Add a one-row helper table that would store a USC column called “Temp ID”.
  • Build a partially public app, where you have a landing page that is public to visitors, and that landing page/tab is built on top of the helper table.
  • Add a “Get part of URL” column to the helper table, get the id value from the URL.
  • Have a button on your landing page that says “Sign in”, that button would write the id value above to the USC column, and allow the user to sign in.
  • On your Onboarding process, hopefully the “Temp ID” value sticks, and you can write it to a basic column in the user’s row.
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Hi @ThinhDinh!

Thanks a lot for your help :slight_smile:

I started to create the table Helper and the second App on top without Sign in with the button that redirect to signup/login on the first App.

The problem is that I have the USC column TempID inside Helper in the first App, but I don’t see it in the second App because is USC! So I can’t write id on that with action.

How i can do?

What are your first app and second app’s roles? I thought you have only one.

I have two app now:

  • First App that is the original one, with Sign Up/Sign In process
  • Second App that I created as you said me and that is public.

These two are built on the same Google Sheet.

First App:

Second App:

If I understand the process correctly, it should be:

Person x sends a referral link of the second app with an id parameter, I capture this parameter when he clicks the button to go to the first app and save this parameter in a column of Person x, right?

I don’t think @ThinhDinh was suggesting that you create a second app. He was suggesting that you change the privacy settings on your original app and build all of that logic into the original app only.


Yeah @Luca_Dipa , I meant just like Jeff said. You should only have one app for this purpose, assuming the referral links would lead people to the sole app you have.


Ok, I understand now!

But in my app there are many logics linked to the login/sign up and I can’t change the flow now.

For you guys this is the only way to have a referral system? @ThinhDinh @Jeff_Hager

Thanks a lot for your help :pray:

So you absolutely have to show the sign in screen first no matter what? You can’t show a public screen first with a sign in button, and once they sign in the rest of the content becomes accessible? If we knew a better way, it probably would have been suggested. There are plenty of ways to have a referral system, but this is probably the only way that might let you pull query parameters out of the url prior to a user signing in and still retain the value after they sign in.


Currently yes @Jeff_Hager but I may change it in the future!

But if my app is currently set as private with sign in required, how do I make only some parts visible to users and others less? Should I set the sign in optional without losing anything ? What changes would I have?


I would set the sign in to optional. Change the visibility on all existing tabs to only display if the user profile email IS NOT empty. Create a new tab with a visibility condition to only display if user profile email IS empty.

That’s it. Only the one tab will be visible if a user is not signed in. Once they sign in (can still be private) then they will gain access to the other tabs.


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