Hi everyone, I want to add a Referral Program to my app so when someone refers someone they get 200 points and the person who signs up with the Referral link gets 100 points. How do I set that up?
Hi everyone, I want to add a Referral Program to my app so when someone refers someone they get 200 points and the person who signs up with the Referral link gets 100 points. How do I set that up?
Create a unique referral code for each user (or use their Row ID).
When someone signs up, ask them to provide this code, which goes in a Referral Code Column and 100 in their points Column.
Try and ITE column where if someone uses their matching User ID, add 200 points to their column.
Is their a video on this?
Not that I know of.
@Joe_Gabriele Can you give me the instructions on how to exactly make it?
is better if you have a deep link to users screens and they can share that link, this way whoever comes to that link and click sign in from it, you will know who referred it
Do users have a public profile for people to view? Technically it doesn’t matter really.
This is what I did:
My User sheet has Row ID’s, which is basically a unique code assigned to each user, automatically generated by Glide. I use these Row ID’s as their referral code because they are all guaranteed to be unique.
I allow Users to share this code with new people, if they so choose. When a new person signs up, they have the ability to provide a Referral Code. This is when they can provide the unique user ID.
That entry is captured into a Referral ID column in my “New sign up” sheet. From that sheet, I can see if any new users used a referral code at sign up. I then relate that Referral ID to that existing User so I know who the referrer is.
As for adding points, you’ll probably have to figure out how to use the Math Column to add points to each respective user (200 to referrer and 100 to new).
@Joe_Gabriele Can you give a screenshot on how you did it?
I created a Button on the Public Profile (opt in) called “Get Your FREE Bio Link”.
That Button has custom action that copies the User ID of the Public Profile User and opens up my New User Application.
During their initial application, I ask if they have a Referral Code, which is the User ID that was copied via the link. If the individual was sent a Referral Code via text or email, they’d have to paste it in manually.
Upon Submitting their application via Button, I used a custom action based on if someone used a Referral Code or not.
I have 2 sheets, 1st is to capture all Referrals only, where I add the Referral Code to the corresponding Column.
And the 2nd Sheet is just all New Applicants, where the Referral Code is also captured.
Now that you captured which new user used a Referral Code and are able to match up that Referral Code to an Existing User, you can then credit the 100 or 200 points respectfully to each user.
I don’t use points so you’ll have to just try to figure it out yourself or ask someone who might know.
Hope this helps. And this isnt the only way you can implement a referral program and might not be the best way either. I just did this over the weekend and it seems like it will work for my use case lol
How do you edit the sign up page?
You make a tab called “Sign Up” with visibility set for only non-signed in users, add Text Entries and a Submit Button that Adds a Row to your User’s page to create the new User.
Will that automatically delete the old sign up tab?
Hi @Uzo, can you explain better what you mean? I want to make referral link. Now users have to add manually the referral code that is a UserIDRow but if possible i want to create a unique URL where if users click set automatically the ID in sign up Page. It’s possible?
For example, a user can click an inline list with he’s name… that will open a detailed view of his profile… when you are on a detailed view, you can get a deep link to that screen… so when you share that link, they are going to come to your app through that user profile screen… this way you will know who referred, and have a button to apply action that will let’s say add credit to this user account
Sorry but i can’t undestand, my users go to app with generic link and after sign-in flow they have to add manually the referral code. It’s possible to Open the App whit referral link like domains.it/“IDCODE” and take automatically the invitational code?
you don’t need code when using a deep link… you will know who referred because they will come to that screen on the user row… with the action button, you can read the email address of the person who gives that deep-link…
It’s a Private Shop, users can buy in the shop only if they have a code. I need to take the code to check if the user has a valid invitation code. Can You explain how to create and use the deep links? To do this? It’s important to check if the referral link used it’s valid. Thanks
Hi know deep links, but i think you don’t understand what i want to have. The flow that i need is, User A send URL to User B that open first time the App and have prefilled data whit Referral user Code received, if this code is avalaible (check with all code in one column). If so, make a button visible and start a new registration for User B.
There is no option to do it exactly the way you want. You have the root url or deep links. These are the only options.