Track Button Click by Signed In User

Just in case the answer to this is yes, here is what I would do:

  • Drop the idea of a boolean in your User Profiles sheet, as you won’t need it
  • Create a new table/sheet, call it something like “Redemptions”
  • This table will contain one row per user, per offer redeemed, and should contain least 3 columns:
    • User ID (a value that uniquely identifies each user, and will allow you to create a relation back to your User Profiles sheet. I’d recommend using the RowID)
    • Offer ID (same as above, but to your Offers sheet)
    • Redeemed At (a date/time column, representing when the user redeemed that offer)

Getting back to the screen where you present the offers…

  • When a user taps the button to redeem an offer, change your action so that it adds a new row to your Redemptions table:
    • UserID (whatever you use to uniquely identify the user)
    • OfferID (ditto for Offers)
    • Redeemed At (current date/time stamp)
  • The counter to track how many times each offer has been redeemed is no longer necessary, as you can do the following:
    • Create a multi-relation between your Offers & Redemptions sheets (Offers.ID → Redemptions.OfferID)
    • Then create a Rollup column in your Offers sheet through that relation (relation → OfferID → count). This will give you a count for each offer.
  • I’d still keep the User Specific column in your Offers table to track when each user redeems each offer, as that’s probably the simplest method.