To have the possibility to add a condition to show a item

Actually, the action show the details allows 2 options

  • details of THIS ITEM
  • User details

It would be great to configure a condition on this action which allows a 3rd option :

  • details of THE ITEM where column A is checked (for example)

I’m pretty sure what you are asking for here can already be done. But maybe I’m not fully understanding. Can you explain in a little more detail, perhaps with a practical example?

A screenshot or two would also be helpful.

Of course , I will do it at the end this afternoon.

Ya. Most components in glide that allow actions have the ability for you to set conditions.

When I select a row in data grid component , I would like to display this row.
When I choose THIS ITEM in Data fields, I dont find a way to link with the checked row.
I think to an option where I can precise the source table , the column , and a custom value to identify the selected row.

What you are trying to do with the data grid is not possible. There is no way to select a row and perform actions on a specific row. Actions on rows in a data grid are currently not supported. You would be better off using a collection which has a ‘Show Detail Screen’ action by default.

Right, Actually, it is what I do.

That’s why I published my post in the section Feature Request.

There is word that an updated data grid is on its way, but I don’t have any more details, so I don’t know when it will be released.

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