The new Stopwatch, help needed ⏱

Did anybody manage to use this for task time tracking?

I want to know how much it took for a test, then how much for the project (sum durations of the small tasks), and then how much time did I spent on a clients

Basically, I want to do in my app


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I just noticed it! wow! Better experiment with it.

For sure, I am on it now

Okay I am going to need some time…I tested it on two empty text rows. Interestingly, it auto populated the rows with date & time…Here is the interesting bit, as soon as I stopped, both fields cleared. So one thing we can be certain about, it does not require a numerical cell to work, because it forces everything out of its way…Ill carry out more tests later.

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Yeah, I know, for now, each time before I stop the watch I need to type the duration manually.

I am trying to find a better way

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Yes yes yes. Is this a bug or expected behavior?

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This is expected as you need to start it again in the same celles

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If you pused the time will remain, so what I did is a button to copy that time frame to paste it to a text entry

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I was writing an essay on why it was expected behaviour…but then I saw your reply…nicely put @Gideon_Lahav_Busines !

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Still manually … Maby a function in google sheet can solve it?

This does to text what text does to digits. This has many use cases.

The best I have so far


I am playing with it and I can see already that if I set a custom action link to a screen when the duration is within start time, it works perfectly. When I stop the clock, the toggles between the link screen and main tab stop with it. More to come,…but great to see you’ve captured it already!


Thanks (:grin:

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I am new to glide and I have been able to create a stopwatch. Can you please assist a more detail on how you did what you did. I really want to create a bigger button like @Gideon_Lahav_Busines did and I can’t seem to know how he did it.

Please kindly assist

Hi, I am not sure if you will see this, but I need help with creating a bigger button like you did. I need a few more clarification please.

Thanks for your anticipated help.

Sure no problem :relieved:

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בתאריך יום ו׳, 30 ביולי 2021 ב-18:08 מאת You_You_0 via Glide Community <>: