Hello everybody,
I am developing an application and I would like to highlight certain words (in bold for example). So I wonder how is it possible to do it.
Thank you for your time.
That is possible. Use rich text component
Yes. It’s possible with rich text and some html
I did some on my app https://WatchOnline.today
Do you have the sheet or your app ?
What do you mean?
Please avoid HTML if you can at all. They can break anytime as not the official language of Glide script. Use markdown language instead. At the moment its possible to emphasise certain words In a sentence using markdown in rich text. For italics , for bold. If you can’t see what I’ve done then here is the code. For italics wrap any word inside 3 stars on either side. For bold use 4 on either side.
Hi Victor,
Firstly, as Wiz.Wazeere has pointed out, if you can, avoid using HTML because it’s not officially supported by Glide. However in some cases if you want something colorful or fancy then just use it, but have a backup plan in case things breakdown.
If you just want to highlight certain words, then this Markdown cheetsheet will be your best friend. It involves italic, bold and many other things you can use to format your text in a rich text component.
If you want to have a side-by-side view of how your markdown text looks like in final form, you can use this website: http://markdown.pioul.fr/. It also works for HTML.
Thanks for tout answer. But i don’t fond again
Yes hahaha I had the same cheat sheet
Hi Wiz, thanks for posting about the 3 stars and 4 stars. That’s exactly what I needed!