Tell Glide how you use CSS

Hello @Jason

Personally I use CSS to supplement or create objects that I need (or at the request of some Glide users).

Here are my few observations (with my small level in CSS):

  • it is quite difficult to make a “responsive” CSS (rwd?!) for the 3 screens: phone, tablet, desktop

  • I also often have surprises between rendering under the editor, desktop or on the mobile, probably a lack of knowledge on my part on the problems of cross-platform PWA.

  • It would be nice to publish a guide to good or bad practices (so as not to disrupt the entire application).

  • Finally The Most Important (for me): As now we can name the components,
    is it possible to have class or id names in relation to the names. it would then be easy to identify.

Here are some recent examples:


Message box

Edit text


multi choice

Date picker


That’s all for the moment !!