Swipe feature for product database


I would like to do a swipe feature to make it easy to go through a product database and either like it or dislike it, rather than having to select each product one by one and liking it.

I’ve watched a couple of videos that shows the swipe feature but I can’t see it. Is this a premium feature (one you have to pay for?).

I would very much appreciate any help on this matter. Having a swipe feature I think will make it much easier for users to provide feedback on products and make it more fun.

This feature is no longer available on the new Apps, only Classic

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Thanks for letting me know. Does that mean unless you have built the app using a previous state of Glide, you now can’t access it?

Correct. Swipe layout was only available for Classic Apps. To build out similar functionality nowadays. you’ll need to use the last method I describe in this video:

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