Supprimer 2 objets liés par une relation

Jaimerai savoir si il est possible dans Glide de supprimer une categorie parent et que les objets dependants de cette categorie soient supprimés dans le meme temps nayant plus de parent.

Not natively within Glide.

The only way to do that at the moment is to use an external automation tool such as Make, together with the Glide API.

So for example, you could have a relation from the parent category to all its dependents, and then create a joined list of dependent RowID’s via that relation. If the parent category is deleted, send a webhook with the list of RowIDs (before deleting the parent row), and then delete them via a batched API call.

Scratch the above. We have a relatively new feature that allows you to delete rows via a multiple relation. See below from Jeff.

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Isn’t it true that you can delete multiple items through a multiple relation? I’m thinking a custom action could maybe delete multiple child rows, and then delete the parent row.


oh yes, of course!
I’d completely forgotten that we can do that now :crazy_face: (probably because I haven’t used it yet)

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Thanks for your answer, i will try it. If you have a capture picture of an exemple to this custom action?

It would look something like this.


The first action deletes the related child items:

The second action deletes the parent item:

I haven’t tested this, but I assume that it should work.


Thank you very much for your help ! :pray:

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